Monday, May 18, 2009

Your First Free Monday...

Ellen and I had a great first free Monday. We woke up early and she was down for a nap by 9:15. I spent her nap finishing up her new cart cover to replace the cheesy piece of crap I bought at Target (see above.) Seriously, the thing is supposed to make the cart a bit more cozy and provide a barrier between Ellen and the 10,000,000,000,000,000 (that's 10 bajillion, in case you've lost count) germs that accumulate on an implement that is handled by hundred of people each day and never washed. What good is it if it doesn't cover the part of the car that her hands are closest to and thus most likely to touch?

Anyhow, the resulting cart cover is fresh. Super fresh, if I do say so myself. She was rocking it hard when we went grocery shopping.

We also took Roxannie to see Dr. Wolfus (who is, in fact, reminiscent of a wolf.) Roxannie needed her rabies shot, a heartworm test, some heartworm medication, a general checkup, and a chat about her reflux issues. Dr. Wolfus maintained that Roxanne is the "picture of health" and that her intermittent bilous vomiting is indeed just acid reflux. If it gets worse as she gets older, we can talk about some medication to control the acid, but for now it's really no concern. Her teeth look great, her weight is still great, and she's just a great and sweet and happy girl altogether. As Dr. Wolfus sat on the floor trying to examine her and Roxannie repeatedly bumrushed him and tried to kiss him full on the mouth, he commented, "So, she's pretty high energy, huh?" Clearly, he got to where he was at because of his superb observational skills. Seriously, though, I loved him. We've met a lot of cool vets and he was definitely my favorite. John usually handles vet duty since we moved from Boston, and he told me I would love Dr. W. He was right!

After the vet and grocery shopping, we went home and waited for Mikki and Eli to show up! Ellen was just about ready for naptime when they cruised in. She was so excited to see them! She eventually did take a nap. After that, we all went to the dog park and took a nice gentle hike. Gert and Roxie ended up filthy and stinking to high heaven, so upon returning home, Aunt Mikki began dinner with Ellen while I hosed down the pupper dogs. I was so glad she was there, because it would have been a nightmare to try to wash both pups and care for Ellen!

Soon, John was home, and Ellen had plenty of entertainment. Mikki ran to the store to get some eggs and flour (I had forgotten to check if I had them before I went shopping) so I could test drive my Meems' recipe for carrot cake. Eli helped me grease and flour the pans, and I made the cake. It turned out great!

The kids went to bed and I declared our first free Monday a success!

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