Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Carrot Cake Taker

As I mentioned yesterday, the carrot cake was a hit. The recipe yielded 24 cupcakes and a small sheet cake (the size of a loaf pan.) We frosted a handful of those bad boys up, and each of us chowed down on one after dinner (except Ellen, she only had a few bites.) Then I wrapped the remaining 18 or so up and implored Mik to take some with her the next day and hand them out at Eli's track meet. I left them, wrapped in tinfoil, on top of the stove, sitting on the cooling racks, pushed all the way to the back burners.

I arose dutifully at 4:45am and made my way downstairs to head out to the BSC. When I reached the back door, I found the foil savagely ripped open, and many cupcakes missing. Not one to jump to conclusions, I raced back upstairs and roused John quickly. "Hey," I said, "You and Mikki didn't happen to eat 11 cupcakes after I went to bed last night, did you?"

Umm, no.

Just then I remembered Roxanne climbing into bed next to me at 3:30am. She was groaning and whining a bit. "What's the matter, girl?" I had said sleepily. I stroked her chest and belly and soon she was asleep. I figured she was just lonely. Turns out, she was apologizing.

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