Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I have been spending a great deal of time at the Boston Sports Club lately. Why am I doing it? Well, I'm not just doing it for my health!...Wait...

Seriously, though, I have been contemplating re-adopting a more healthful routine since I began to heal from my c-section (which, sadly, took over 9 months.) I had been back to the gym intermittently, but nothing had "stuck."

As some of you know, I belong to an online women's/mother's group, and there is a whole health and fitness section where a smaller subset of women talk about, well, health and fitness. There is a "Couch to 5k" thread on there, and when I read about the C25k program, it seemed really doable. So, I'm doing it. I've enlisted Amber (who already runs frequently) and Mikki (who has been training for months for her first triathalon) to run with me in the Billy's Chowder House (if anything can motivate me, it's chowdah!) 5k on July 12th.

I am psyched, and overall, training has been going pretty well. I am running 3 days a week and doing some gentle cardio and weight circuits on three other days. Initially, I had some ankle soreness, and I have been resting and stretching for the past week to try to ease up some knee pain, but I am definitely easing into my routine.

I start week 3 of the program (though I've actually been at it for over a month) tonight. I am looking forward to it!

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